On launching my new site and new self

20 Jun 2015 // neilcameron.me

Welcome to my new home on the web! It’s been a while since I’ve had my own site, here’s what’s coming up next.

Since departing from Cameron & Wilding in March of this year, amongst other things, I’ve been working on building out neilcameron.me. What started as a two day project to change some text in an HTML template, rapidly snowballed in to an over-engineered but highly interesting Drupal 8 and Angular JS implementation.

This website is my new online centre of gravity. For the last five years, my online presence has been inseparable from C&W, so it’s a little bit odd and very exciting to have something new. Neilcameron.me is the place I share my thoughts and ideas with the world, show people who I am and profile some of the work I’ve done in the past.

For the last five years, my online presence has been inseparable from C&W, so it’s a little bit odd and very exciting to have something new.

Over the next few months I’ll be writing across a number of areas including: a full teardown of how I put this site together, how to prepare your organisation for Drupal 8 and effective working for technology teams. There will also be short thoughts on the mental battles of building a company, cool stuff I find and probably the occasional rant.

In a way, the launch of neilcameron.me is also the launch of “Neil Cameron 4.0”. It marks the opening of a new chapter in my professional life and to be honest I’m not entirely sure what the plot is yet. Short term, I’m looking for some drupal projects where I can work with a great team and make an impact. In the longer term I have a whole bunch of personal projects I’d like to work on, one of which may develop into a new business. Stay tuned!

Finally, in the spirit of all good web products here are my CTAs for you:

  • If you’d like to work with me, connect with me on LinkedIn and drop me an email.
  • If you think I’m an interesting person to follow, follow me on Twitter and join my mailing list.

Image credit: https://flic.kr/p/qDNhXz


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